Friday, November 14, 2008

the craziness of the mind of Calli

Sometimes I make up stories while Tirrill and I go on walks. Heres todays:

The Truth on Trolls
by: Calli J. Barnes
My name is Doug and besides working at my local grocery store I'm a profesional troll keeper. Yes, I know how weird that sounds. you're also probably asking how does somebody become a "troll keeper." I was born into it. My family has been caring for the same troll for the past 250. She's a very interesting Troll. Her full name is Etel Maolmin Gisli which translates into Noble, polished chief and ray of sun shine. Trolls name their children differently than most. The last name is the name Tellie got at birth. So, technically it's her first name. All trolls carry their Father's name, that's where you get Maolmin, and the First name Etel picked out herself when she came of age.
One day Etel approached me. " Dooglass, there will be a meeting of Trolls soon. yoo must take me to the meeting place. As my keeper you get the honor of staying during our conference." Who in their right mind would want to sit in a room full of trolls? I can barely manage one. "Where would this meeting be, Etel?" I asked. "At the convention center in St. Loois." St. Louis? I expecting the woods or my back yard anything but St. Louis.
( and I'll add more later for Erin's amusement cuz she'd be the only one reaing this and /tirrill is on my lap and try typing with a two year old on your lap.)

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